
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Support those in need!

Heyyyyy people! Late night blogging, I know. So tired, but thought I should post this. Watch my One Roll At A Time videos and watch until the end! There will be a message saying how YOU could support those in need, including those with cancer like Talia, and be featured in the next episode!!! If you didn't know, the series is dedicated to taliajoy18! Check her out, you won't be disappointed!

Also, I'm trying to set up a fundraiser for Talia at my school. I sent an email to my principal last night (since I'm afraid to talk to him in person XD). Waiting for a response, oh so nervously! I really want to help Talia. Also, go check out her video about helping her do Ellen's makeup! It's one of her dreams, and she deserves to have it be made a reality!

Thank you so much! GO TALIA!!!!!!

 ~Find a Cure~
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3


Hey! About to leave a comment? Awesome! As long as you weren't about to say something rude, then have at it! :D